Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I'm very new at this...

So I'm sitting here trying to figure out how the heck I can make this ugly page pretty. I think its pretty clear that I have no clue what I'm doing. I hope that I can keep everyone interested with this blog... I'm sure with my daughter being quite possibly the funniest person alive I will have no problem making you laugh. Here's to happy blogging! Cheers!!


  1. You didn't finish your last sentence...

  2. I don't understand what sentence you didn't finish...either way it's not a big deal. lol.

    I look forward to reading what you have :)


  3. shabbyblogs.com or cutestblogontheblock.com has FREE backgrounds and they tell you step-by-step how to change things! It's super easy!!

    Hope that helps!!

